One of Konrad's favourites! Actually, this cartoon was used a few years before for the same publication, but with some differences. The headline for this edition of Rode's Report read, "Building industry into ICU."
The nurse and the priest have a bit of a Priest and Prostitute theme going. Not even the sight of the sexy nurse could revive the patient. And check the vulture behind the window (see full cartoon), just waiting for the patient to push daisies.
Apparently someone complained about this cartoon, saying she found it offensive. Konrad reckons cartoonists will always end up offending someone – it may even be a sign of success. Just think of that Danish newspaper's cartoon of Allah and how much of an uproar that caused - they certainly got free publicity. OK, Konrad has no plans to have a fatwa on his head, mind you.
No doubt the nurse is a throwback to when women were seen as good for only one thing. And the doctor is wearing his stereotypical golf trousers. And the priest, well, he looks like he hasn't been laid... in fact, ever! Which apparently is the case with some of them. OK, I should shut up.
Konrad promises that next time he'll draw a Chippendales-like male nurse dressed in leather.