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Cartoons for training:
"Bad Fish"
Client: Marine Products (Marpro)
In this cartoon – one of hundreds commissioned by Louw Redelinghuys – we portrayed the shock on a diner's face after discovering the fish he had ordered had bones sticking out its back. The diner looks like a silver spoon fed type, so his standards must be rather high (pronounce using stiff upper lip).
If you look at the enlarged picture, you'll notice that the fish has a sly grin. The lesson: Customers won't buy our products if they don't look presentable.
This cartoon for a training programme for workers depicted the early bird. It explained that workers who get to work early, get more done.
The cartoons on this page date from the late nineties, when Konrad still used Pantone markers on paper for about a 120 cartoons per project – an expensive technique that almost caused injury to his wrist. Nowadays, he still does the pencil and koki outlines on paper, but then scans it and adds the colour on the computer.