Besides what we know as conventional advertising for print, this section also contains examples of banner ad designs for websites.
Ad design for property valuers
Client: Rode Valuations property valuers
Rode Valuations – a division of Bellville based Rode & Associates – needed to advertise their property valuation services to potential top notch clients – Rode is possibly the largest valuation company in South Africa.
For this advertisement design, we went for the slick, white look, so as not be confused with valuation services aimed at smaller entities.
Ad design for town planners
Client: RodePlan town and regional planning
This advert design was designed for a division of Rode & Associates, RodePlan Spatial & Development Planners & Economists. As with the valuations ad (above) we did for them, we stuck to a clean, white look for professionalism, and corporate identity continuity. Simplicity is key. Say less when you can.