Client: German Teachers' Association in Southern Africa
The DLV ("Deutschlehrerverband im Südlichen Afrika") approached Konrad via Rudolf Rode to create a logo for them, suggesting a series of logo designs done by scholars, as a starting point. Konrad chose the design by Shando Nomvelo, below, and to the right you can see the final logo design.
We were at first worried that the emblem might be too busy, but went ahead and used the good old Helvetica typeface for the bottom two lines of text and a nice, simple grey Futura-type sans-serif font for the main "DLV" text, which had a calming effect on the colourful emblem.
Helvetica and its derivatives are mainstays in Germany, both in advertising, publications and signage, but when Konrad tried it for the "DLV" text, it seemed too... ordered and cold for a local design.
The most popular typeface on the web, Arial, is a derivative of Helvetica.
For the emblem, Konrad went to Wikipedia and downloaded the official flags of SA and Germany so as to get the precise RGB colour values. One of the colours had to be toned down for the inevitable CMYK process printing though.