After noticing the "Godfather" caricature on this website, Mareli Jordaan of Mowbray, Cape Town-based Grey called Konrad for his caricaturist skills – they needed a caricature of brand manager Franco Maria Maggi – the Heineken brand was his baby. It was given to him as a farewell gift - he was leaving South Africa for Mexico.
Elements they wanted him to incorporate would be Franco's Italian ancestry (born & bred), his enviable travel history (he's been to just about every country in the world), his love of music, Heineken, and his cheekiness and kind, caring and witty nature.
So, Konrad made his jacket green for both the Italian feel and the Heineken brand colour. The background was a cowboy flick sunset, "riding into the sun", with the odd cactus for the Mexican reference. The rest is obvious.
Please note: Konrad is not a live caricaturist. We sometimes get requests for live work, especially for weddings. If you know of someone who does that, please contact us at