Belim dos Santos of Cape Town asked Konrad to create a caricature of his brother, Pépe, as a birthday gift for Pépe's 40th, incorporating all his loves such as his dog, the Portuguese soccer team, his fleet of luxury cars and his career in selling Atlantic sea board property developments. The signage (see enlargement) heading – "BUY NOW, pay more later" – was Belim's idea.
Please note: Konrad is not a live caricaturist. We sometimes get requests for live work, especially for weddings. If you know of someone who does that, please contact us at
Contact Konrad at
or on 082 44 66 526 during office hours.
Fraudsters: Most of us learn the hard way that you have to charge up front, or at the very least insist on a 50% deposit. It's unfortunately all too common to come across those who abuse our trust – though thankfully, they're in a small minority.
Konrad and some of his freelance colleagues have noticed that these con men usually like to show off their riches, so be weary of those driving luxury vehicles, especially Mercedeses and SUV's (apologies to the majority of those with a taste for luxury, who are completely innocent ;-)
Nowadays Konrad also insists on proof of ID or business reg. no.